Once upon a time, in 2006, my endeavors in research were summarized in this research statement.
My interests are actually wider than stated there and include:
Stereo vision.
Non-parametric camera calibration, as in this ECCV '08 paper (for discrete cameras) or this CVPR '06 paper (for continuous cameras).
Estimation theory, especially with small samples and in the limit
of low noise.
Camera calibration from one image and geometric clues.
Model selection.
Mathematical biology (aka theoretical biology), especially
population dynamics.
Sporadic interest in non-standard analysis.
Estimation of optic flow.
Camera-projector systems.
3D displays.
I implement most of my work in Octave, a free language not unlike Matlab (tm). I contribute some of
my code to Octave-Forge, a
central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU
Octave. Some code that does not fit in Octave-forge is on my code page.